Listen to the lyrics of this Phineas and Ferb song, to find out some fun things to do during summer vacation.
I am looking forward to meeting you soon. I hope that you are enjoying your summer vacation. Please tell me about something you did this summer. I would like you to write at least three sentences. Also, please tell me one thing you are nervous about in 2nd grade.
Make sure that you write your first name only in your comment. Please choose anonymous when you post.
This summer I did many things. I went to the beach in Avalon, New Jersey in June and Ocean City, New Jersey in August. Also, I went to school for a month to work on my Master's Degree. Finally, I taught teachers in our school district technology classes. I am nervous about this year because I have to memorize all 23 of your names on the first day.
ReplyDelete~Miss Miller
This sumer I went to the Outer Banks. I had fun at the beach. I also went to Inner Harbor. I saw dolphins, sharks, and sea horses. I am nervous about making new friends.
I spent lots of time at the pool with my friends. My family went to New Jersey to visit all of our cousins. I also had tons of sleepovers.
I forgot to add that I am most nervous about not knowing anyone.
This summer was the best summer because I learned how to ride my bike without tranning wheels. Made lots of new friends at cheerleading camp, and had lots of play dates. I am nervous about not having anyone I know in my class